Kate Chartier

Kate Chartier

- If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space –

I’m a proud nomadic soul with a love of new experiences and seeing the world.

After a decade in the agency-world, I started freelancing in the fall of 2023. I have thoroughly enjoyed the freedom and range of opportunities freelancing has given me, including the ability to take off six weeks to backpack around SE Asia and Australia – a life goal achieved. I'm now back in the PNW and looking forward to more local freelance or full-time opportunities.

Throughout my years in advertising I have worked in Media, Account Management and Production – at both large and small ad agencies. I love the creativity and possibility that comes with every new client and project, and the opportunity to bring the vision to life through film and photography. No matter the scope of project, I’m ready to take it on – and make it fun!

Outside of production, I love playing volleyball and ice hockey, sailing, paddle-boarding, travel, photography and my assistant and best friend, Waffles the corgi.

Waffles Brady Chartier

Although only a six year old corgi, Waffles has an eye for design and aesthetics. He attends shoots whenever possible – always there to lend a stubby paw.

Follow Waffles on Instagram: @TheRealWaffeyB